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It's not all sunshine when there's sunshine. Ft Lauderdale - Key West Part 2

Skribentens bild: CarlosCarlos

Uppdaterat: 14 mars 2019

The day started by realising that I had forgotten my tubes at the airport. So our first stop had to be a bike shop. We found a nice one, bought a couple of tubes and also found some nice cycling socks!

New kick ass socks!

Since we were a little bit out of schedule we decided to skip breakfast and just started to ride. That turned out to be a big mistake, but more on that later. Did I mention that we neither had any water with us? Well, we made some bad decisions that morning.

Nice tree tunnel.

The only part we had tale wind, when we took a wrong turn.

Everything felt good but as soon as we left Miami city the wind and the heat started to work against us. Luckily, just as our pace started to drop, we met a local rider, Frank. A kind soul that offered to take the wind for us.

Local rider taking the wind.

With all the heat and the fact that we didn't have anything to drink was starting to drain our bodies. After mentioning to Frank that we needed a place to refuel he took us to Roberts, a popular fruit and smoothie place along the road. When we finally arrived I was so thirsty and hungry that I bought fruits, drinks and sandwiches for almost 50 dollars!

Lunch break at Robert's.

After a long break we started to roll again. The wind and the heat was still a factor and for every kilometer that we rode I felt as my legs had not recovered enough from the dehydration earlier. And all of a sudden it came, what you really want to avoid when you have about 45 km to go, cramps. It started on my back thigh, then the front, and then my other leg.

Cramp deluxe.

Those last kilometers felt like an eternity but we finally made it to our destination for the day, Travernier. A little bit later than expected but at that point it felt like a win just to get there.

Well deserved beer.

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